Sunday, May 04, 2008

John Stephen Akhwari

Allow me a little self indulgence as I post this picture of my current hall display in school. We have been learning about Olympic heroes across the school and the hero that I chose for our class is indeed an inspiration.

John Stephen Akhwari of Tanzania ran the marathon in the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City, 40 years ago. Not long into the race he fell over, badly injuring his knee and his head. Despite this he did not give up, he continued to run even though he was in complete agony. An hour after the last runner had finished the race and the medals had been awarded to the winners of the marathon John Stephen Akhwari entered the stadium, limping the last few hundred metres to the finish line. Once he had finished a reporter asked him why he had continued to run even though he knew that he could not win the race, he replied, "My country did not send me 7000 miles to start the race. They sent me to finish."


Hannah said...

me thinks your displays are overtaking mine in the creativity/wow department!!!
This is cool honey.
I meanwhile hang my head in shame at all the empty display boards around me!!!

Emma said...

The head was going to do a displays walk through last Friday so all mine are up and done sharpish. She hasn't been yet though...
I have to keep on top of the game with displays here - a sense of healthy competition in the hall displays department I think!