Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Long time...

It has been a long time since I updated this blog, for which I apologise. I thought I would have more opportunity to blog but have neglected my blogging duties since arriving in Kenya! Blogging will recommence on my return! First a few photos of me in Kenya!
Feeding giraffes is revolting
At Shimba Hills

With Jardene outside her house (plus Hannah and her parents)

Trying Ugali (officially disgusting)


_joelfe said...

Giraffes look very scary...the thing about their long necks is that it makes their heads a long way away and therefore look quite small. Next to an Emma however, they look very big and scary!

Also what is that Ugali stuff meant to be...?

I have just had many tries at posting this comment, but it didn't want to let I resorted to IE and it would...which is very strange and annoying and probably means that I've got something set up wrong on Firefox somewhere, although it's never had problems in the past... Anyway, I've got there now! (and this technical explanation is longer than the comment in the first place!)

Emma said...

It's those tongues, so long and yukky!

Ugali is flour and water. No really. But I'm eating it with meat (we asked what kind of meat but Fundi didn't know, always encouraging) and a soupy thing which I think is basically cooking fat, water and tomatoes. Mmm tasty...

_joelfe said...

That sounds...lovely...

Anonymous said...

McUgali - Just a thought!

Mike Peatman said...

Good to see some more piccies, Em. Love the giraffe picture.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I loved ugali and even learned to cook it myself. I loved sukumawiki as well.

Emma said...

I always knew you were weird, Matthew.