Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Great Adventure's Great Speaking Tour

The speaking tour got off to a start today, I have been into St. George's High School in Blackpool to talk to their CU about Kenya and the great adventure. I was really nervous about it, I was never quite sure whether I would have enough to talk about (though I was more confident after the success of the Guide evening last week) or indeed whether a bunch of teenagers I had never met before would care enough to listen. Again, I needn't have worried and I really enjoyed myself. I didn't manage to get through all my photos and the kids were responding really well to it and asking questions etc and so I'm probably going to go back again after half term and they might even consider sponsoring! So all in all it was a most positive experience! My next speaking engagement (teehee!) was going to be Ripley, but interview has meant it has had to be postponed. Excitement abounds!


Fr Matthew McMurray said...

Are you going to start writing a diary like Adrian Plass?

Ian said...

How did you go about talking about your time in Africa? We are going home in 4 weeks (although only for 1 month before coming back) and reading your post made me realise that I would not know where to start, there is so much! Any tips about what works very welcome.

Emma said...

Hey Ian, good to have your comment. I organised my photos into groups of things like school, church, Kenyan life etc and then organised what I was going to talk about around the photos that I have got. There's still far too much to talk about though! I guess you just have to be ruthless, think of a focus for what you want to get across and stick to it.