Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Much to my own shame I have made a list. I hate lists. Lists make me think of all those things I haven't done that I should have. Or when I've ticked everything off a list and feel good that I've done everything I need to do I think of something that I didn't put on it that really needed doing and I haven't done and I stop feeling good about my efficiency. But nevertheless I have made a list. I decided in the end, that not writing a list would only perpetuate the endless procrastination by way of the internet under the illusion that I did not know exactly what needed doing so I could get away without doing it. As a result of my list I feel I have been adequately productive today, I have managed to tick 4 and a half things off it. Sorting out Kenya photos really needs to go higher up the list though, I am avoiding it because I know it is going to be a mammoth task and will only constitute one tick when it is finished. But without it I won't really be able to start the Great Adventure's Great Speaking Tour as planned. Best get on with it then. Another picture to whet your appetite for when I have actually completed the photo audit and you can see me for the whole schebang!
Cleaning the relatively small pot - Nelly didn't take the picture of me cleaning the big black one on a digital camera unfortunately :(


Anonymous said...

I hope these photos will be ready for saturday aft young lady!!! Love Han x

Emma said...

Indeedy, I'm on the case!!!