Saturday, October 20, 2007

Half term has arrived

This week in school we were visited by the Lancashire Evening Post to film our choir. They arrived as planned on the Monday morning, we rehearsed well and after a couple of takes we made a half decent effort. And so that stress was off my shoulders. Then on Wednesday we had a phone call - the disc in the video camera had been corrupted and they would have to come and film us again. What joy. So on Friday afternoon, having not practiced the infernal song all week we found ourselves back in the hall warming up for yet another filming. Half of the children were in non-uniform and had to go around the other classes trying to find jumpers to disguise the fact. And so we were filmed again and after two takes said goodbye to the lady from the LEP. I won't say what it was like in the end... unless you talk to me in person that is, but I will post the link to the video when it is online for you to make your own judgement!

And now it is finally half term. It has been a very busy term indeed, and I get the impression will remain to be busy in most aspects throughout the year.

Sarah and Kieron have been over for their tea today which is lovely :) and Sarah can still wrestle me to the floor without any effort which is quite sad. I need to work on my... err... strength. I think it's fair to say that I'm weak in all aspects and even when I started to fight her she still had me pinned to the floor within seconds! Sad that. Oh well, nothing like a good bit of fighting :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha, I was victorious!!!!! Again.