Saturday, March 01, 2008

WALT: to retell a story about Jesus

As Parent's Evening looms ever closer I have brought home a ridiculous pile of marking to catch up on this weekend. Most of the non-core subjects have hardly been marked at all because we file work now and don't have it in exercise books. It's not so easy to bring home a class set of files to mark a piece of work so I've got woefully behind on my marking. That's my excuse anyway.

On opening the first file this morning I came across one piece of work from RE where the children were asked to retell a story about Jesus that I had read to them. This one is so fabulously retold that I thought it deserved blogging.

Jesus was busy teaching in a house when a hole started forming, three jolly faces looked down beaming. Then they lowered a man on a dusty old mat to the ground, his whole body resting. Jesus smiled and walked over to the man and said, "your sins are forgiven."
"Nonsense," said a man, "only God can do that."
Jesus turned his head and said, "which is easier, to forgive this man or make him walk?" Jesus turned to the man on the mat, "walk" he simply said. The man picked up his mat and walked out and the jolly faces turned to big grins!

A future Bob Hartman perhaps?


Hannah said...

That's a great retelling of a story about Jesus!

Hannah said...

i was almost concerned then I had commented without knowing when I saw hannah's name!!!

I am loving that story, oh the joys of year 4!!!!