Thursday, April 17, 2008

Spring Harvest

Last week I went to Spring Harvest in Skegness with some friends for a week. Spring Harvest is always an enjoyable affair (sometimes more fun than others!), it was really good this year to go with just a few friends who had been friends from University, catch up and remember crazy Uni days. There was plenty of silliness - always good!

The theme of the week was the last of a 3 year series starting with One God, then One People and this year One Hope. So this year the theme was eschatology and how the Kingdom of God is not just about what will happen when we die but that we can live now in the hope that we have in Christ. I was getting a bit fed up by the end of the week by the need to say 'eschatology' at every available moment. It felt a bit like they'd taught us a new word and had to keep using it so that we wouldn't forget it. I was half expecting a spelling test at the end of the week!

I particularly enjoyed the morning Radio stations. This year the mainstream one was in the Big Top. I missed the smaller setting of the marquee but it was still full enough for it to be in the Big Top so it was understandable really. There was plenty for us to think about and to consider in terms of hope in the world.

In the afternoons Sarah and I went to a series of seminars on Child Protection which were very helpful and informative, but hard going and quite draining after a while. They certainly caused us to think about our own church and how it could be improved and made to be a safer place for all.

On the final evening there was a celebration, we were told to go in our best party gear - so we made party hats out of the daily news sheets, Harvest News! Felt like a numpty, but then there's plenty of others out there at Spring Harvest doing odd things so we didn't stand out as complete weirdos!!

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