Monday, November 06, 2006

Fireworks etc.

I had a very lovely day on Saturday. I had planned a while back with Jenn, my old house mate, that we would come up for the fireworks in Lancaster and Jenn, being the organised person that she is, arranged for a few others to come up too for a mini reunion. I awaited her phone call on Saturday morning to find out when we would be meeting in Lancaster. I got bored waiting and decided to go up anyway and to drop in on some folk whilst I was waiting. I parked outside Sarah's thinking she would be in, but she wasn't so I went round to the Boyd's. It was very lovely to see them and chat and have lunch and then went back to the Evans' for a little while (driving Sarah to babysitting before returning to chat to Kieron!). Eventually I got the phone call and met the others in town. We had a lovely time! We went out for tea to the Water Witch which was particularly disappointing in its level of service (but my sandwich was rather gorgeous) before going up to the castle to see the fireworks.

The rubbish service at the pub meant that we were running rather late to see the display and were sent a ridiculous way down and back up the hill in the dark along with hundred's of others and only just got to the bottom of the hill by the Priory when they started. Amazing display though, even if we were too far away from the speakers to hear the patriotic music. Despite clambering over walls and up hills we got a good spot to see the fireworks without too many heads in the way. I embarrassed myself by loudly exclaiming, 'oh don't stand there!' when someone moved right into my line of view...who then turned around, apologised and knelt down for the rest of the display! It was definately one of those did I really say that out loud? moments!!

I am always very impressed that Lancaster can provide such a fantastic display of fireworks and not charge for entry at all. There must have been thousands there on Saturday night. Still, town is absolutely chocka block afterwards so they must get some decent tourist revenue from it. I suspect it may have something to do with there not being all that many gardens in Lancaster with the rows and rows of Victorian terraced housing. Discouraging home done firework displays when everyone lives in such close quarters is always going to be a good plan. Well done Lancaster.

I think I am sometimes spoilt by dividing my time between 2 places (not often, just sometimes) and on Sunday went with mum and Sophie to see the Rotary Firework Display in Lytham St Anne's as well. These ones were particularly rubbish after the far superior display the day before. It seemed that they had bought a job lot of one type of rocket which we got again and again and again! We're hoping for better next year.

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