Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The last of the Great Adventure's Great Speaking Tour?

Last week I ended my Speaking Tour with a final visit to the Ladies Evening Guild at my home church. They booked me as a speaker when I first came back from Kenya, 9 months ago! I was at first a little worried about speaking about my time in Kenya again, for two reasons really, firstly because I have not done any speaking about it for a good number of months and I was worried that I wouldn't remember what to say anymore but secondly because things have gone so badly wrong in Kenya in the last couple of months. I needn't have worried in the first instance, I had borrowed a projector from church and was able to show my photographs so all that I had to say came instantly rushing back to me the minute I saw them. As for the situation in Kenya now, I could only share what little I know from what Glyn and Jane have shared with me.

At the beginning of the evening my mum and I stood at the back, deliberately not looking at one another as we could have been transported straight onto the set of Calendar Girls, it was so unbelievably stereotypically WI! The most amusing part was when the secretary stood up to read out the minutes of the last meeting and told us all about what the previous speaker had told them about! No doubt next month they will be hearing all about my time in Kenya for a second time! There were murmurings of surprise when the ladies arrived to discover that the chairs were arranged facing the wrong wall so that I could project onto it, which amused me as well, though they didn't complain about the rearranged seating so I give them the credit for that.

So now the Great Adventure's Great Speaking Tour has come to an end, at least the end of all that I have been booked in for since returning from Kenya. If I was asked to speak to anyone else, I would do so willingly, though now it is a year since I went to Kenya I'm not sure how up-to-date it would be anymore.

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