Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Mike tagged me, the idea is this:

1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five other people.

I'm sat on the floor planning a meditation and thinking about going for a walk in this wonderful February weather (not that I've got anyone who will go with me!!) So I have 2 books to hand... I'll go with the latter - Duncan's Pub Walks Lancaster to the Lakes, it has a sticker over the word 'pub' that my dad has written 'Christian Tea Shop' on so now it reads "Duncan's Christian Tea Shop Walks Lancaster to the Lakes". He's odd that one. So, page 123 is a walk from Silverdale to Arnside:

"The going can be quite tricky as you walk the last mile into Arnside, especially if it is a very high tide. However, there is always lots to see especially if you are a student of seaside flora: pink thrift, sea and buckshorn plantain, common gromwell, scurvey grass and black bryony can all be found in their time. For bird lovers there are always winged plover and redshank and over in the trees on your right you may hear wrens as they angrily announce ownership of their own piece of territory."

That made me chortle that did! Though I think it would have been better if page 123 had been one of the walks I hadn't done, I might have been inspired. I fancy walk 8 I think, Middleton to Sunderland Point. I've never been to Sunderland Point and I'd like to go and see Sambo's grave and all that. We studied the slave trade and the thriving Georgian port of Lancaster when I was a student and it interests me.

Anyway, rambling aside... I'm not going to tag anyone else because I don't think I know anyone who I could tag to be honest! So the link ends with me (again).

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