Friday, September 29, 2006


Not really a proper post here yet I'm afraid, merely a reminder to me that I'm going to post some views on this shortly, when I've worked out what they may be, though I'm most open to those very same views evolving over time...

In house group tonight we watched a creation v evolution debate in Liverpool Anglican Cathedral. I'd like to see it again and be able to listen to both sides of the argument without the deriding sneers, but until I do, if I may, I'm going to link to Mike's very own blog and the discussion there a few months ago.
More to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

having read the comments on the other blog about creationism v evolution, i just don't get it. why do people feel the need to poo poo other peoples believes? and i'm talking about both sides. people who believe in creation go mad at christians who believe in evolution and vice versa. why can't people be nice about other peoples view points?
i'm probably just as much to blame tho because i personally dont understand how evolution fits into christianity at all. it just doesnt make sense. i dont really care how old the earth is, but what i can't understand is how we can of evolved from apes? it absolutly does not make any sense or fit into the bible in any way. God created man. he did not create a small plankton that would eventualy grow into man.

at the end of the day none of this really matters anyway. we'll find out all the answers when we get to heaven.