Thursday, November 09, 2006

Christian celebrations

My mum went to Preston yesterday to re-register at the university (she's in the middle of doing a masters) and was given a free academic diary. I have had a flick through it and noticed a strange thing... for each pagan festival there is a note like:
Winter solstice - Pagan Society celebrates Yule or
Pagan Society celebrates Eostre
equally there are notes like:
Baha'i Society celebrates Naw-Ruz or
Islamic Society celebrates Festival of Id al Adha
Yet for Christian festivals (and now I've had a look, Hindu and Jewish festivals) it seems that no-one is celebrating, or at least the university doesn't seem to know about it. Christmas gets:
Christmas Day - Public Holiday (though fair enough, the Christian Union or even Chaplaincy aren't likely to be holding a Christmas Day celebration, being that the students will be at home with their families) and Easter:
Easter Sunday, End of Lent.
Is there some kind of heirarchy here between who celebrates and who doesn't? Is there a member of the Pagan Society on the team for producing the diaries?
Well, at least the Christian festivals are listed I suppose.

1 comment:

Rhys said...

Well it's one of two things:

1. Conspiracy
2. The CU/chaplaincy not quite being organised enough to send back whatever letter/email they might have got about it

Anyway, if the Pagan Society actually read their history, they'd celebrate Easter, and not whatever 'Eostre' might be...