Thursday, November 30, 2006

Tidying and reminiscing

I have sorted out my book shelves today and taken many books to the charity shop. They have been annoying me for a while, well since I returned from Lancaster actually, so about 18 months! I had too many books for my shelves since combining many belongings from 4 years cumulation in Lancaster to what I had left behind (a room full) in St Annes. Books were piled on top of books on the shelves, which looks scrufy I think. So now my shelves look ordered, hooray! In the process I also came across a handful of photographs which hadn't been filed so I have been scanning them into my computer.
This is a classic. From sports day when I was in year 7 at the High School, it was taken by a photographer from the local paper and I featured on the back page along with a report about the day. Good picture (apart from the tongue hanging out of my mouth - not good to be displayed for all to see when you are only 11) but I did attrociously at the long jump and came 9th out of 10 in my year!
Another professional job. This is my sister, cousin and I. I am wearing the dress I wore for my baptism, I loved it!
I am considering a hair chop as well. Looking back at pictures of me when my hair looked neat make me think of chin level hair again. I shall contemplate.


Anonymous said...

I think pink and spikey for a hair change. Seen as you have so much time on your hands can you not put a picture of you on the page sporting loads of hair-styles you've knicked of other people then we could all vote for it. We could call it Emma's Hair Idol!!

Emma said...

Dying my hair will never be done. Never! Do you hear me?!

Anonymous said...

I think I get the subtle!?! message. For charity tho?

Emma said...

Nope. Not even for charity. Not for the Pope. Not for the Queen. Not even if my mum was dying and colouring my hair would save her. OK, maybe then I would...