Saturday, January 06, 2007

Human pin cushion

I have now had the last of my injections at the doctors, my final HepB and Yellow Fever. I was a bit worried about the Yellow Fever one because the nurse wouldn't give it me before Christmas because it might make me ill... I am quite well though and it didn't even hurt a little bit so there was no need to fret. I also talked to her about the anti malarials I should take when in Rwanda and left thinking I would take Malarone but have changed my mind and have decided to go for Larium which according to my uncle might turn me into an axe wielding maniac... watch this space!

1 comment:

Mike Peatman said...

All these injections sound very scary. Hope the preparations are going well and looking forward to seeing you soon. Have been catching up with your blog, and have commented on one or two past items too. You've been busy in the blogosphere