Friday, February 22, 2008


Our housegroup does just what a housegroup should. Over the last 4 and a half years since we first began we have grown and changed and in all fairness are far too large to still function as we should (dare I say the word 'split'?!) but the best thing is how we have got to know each other so well. Our discussions are often thoughtful, sometimes wise, we disagree and we agree, we share and we pray and we eat and we eat and we eat. And we play games. And we eat. We're good at eating.

One member of our housegroup has just started to text and she is hilarious! She is creating a whole new language that only a teenager can interpret, and even then with a little help! There was a discussion this week about whether we should set up a housegroup blog with a column all for her. I think we should.


Hannah said...

I think you'll find my dear the word is 'multiply' not split!!!!

Emma said...

I stand corrected. :)