Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Book addiction, lacking reading addiction.

Hooray! I have finally finished reading Jodi Picoult's Vanishing Acts. I have been meaning to read it for absolutely ages, seeing as I bought it in about June, lent it to Sarah who spilt juice on it and knowing that I am picky about the state of my books (I like my shelf to look like a bookshop not a library, books are so much neater when they look unread even if they have been) bought me another copy whilst we were at New Wine. So I have been in possesion of it since the end of July. I feel so much happier now that it is read!
Still which of the partly started books to I tackle next?

Here is the list:
Dietrich Bonhoeffer - Life Together
Alister McGrath - Theology The Basics
Bill Hybels - Too Busy Not To Pray
Nick Spencer - Asylum and Immigration - A Christian Perspective
Alistair Redfern - Being Anglican (lets face it, it's not going to be this one)

Or ones that I have not started yet:
C S Lewis - A Grief Observed
Danny Wallace - Join Me

Notice how the majority of my unfinished books are thoroughly edifying ... and like wading through soup. I suspect I will attack the new books first - A Grief Observed is so short I can probably manage to finish it at some point in the near future, and let's face it, Danny Wallace is far more appealing. I just know I'll have gone out to buy another Jodi Picoult before I know what's hit me.

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