Sunday, October 08, 2006

More Dutch Blitz

I have been spreading the Dutch Blitz fever further afield... Went to my friend's house in Preston on Friday and taught 3 more people DB, I think they're now planning on getting a pack of the cards themselves. I'm rather enjoying getting people addicted to the game!

I went to Abbeystead yesterday to meet up with Housegroup, who were staying there for the weekend, and had a fabulous time. It is so nice to relax with a group of people who you know so well and who know you. We spent some time sharing our stories and how we think we have fit into God's Big Story so far, inspired by last week's all age at St Tees. It was a real blessing to hear how God had been present in so many situations and though sometimes we can wonder where God is, he is there and our lives are so very often testament to that fact. We went for a walk down by the river, ate a lot of cakes (our housegroup is infamous for its cakes!) and made a chicken roast dinner for 14... With the roaring fire and games of Taboo I think I felt a touch of paradise.

And we played Dutch Blitz there too...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

look, look, this is me commenting!! Dutch Blitz is slowly taking over the world mwahaha!!