Sunday, October 22, 2006


Sarah is staying at my house today. We have had much fun playing with my bubble sword! We have also been for a walk along the beach and have had a hot chocolate in a cafe, but it is now raining so we haven't been on the swings!!


Rhys said...

Well we completely failed to create any very big bubbles last Sunday. So I have to ask - what's your secret bubble recipe? The one in this US book (12 parts water, 1 part washing-up liquid, 1/4 part glycerine) doesn't seem to work for Fairy Liquid...

Emma said...

I have to admit that I had bought some bubble mix, I haven't attempted to make any yet! It was nice and cheap, and I think meant for small bubbles, but it was in the same shape bottle as the stuff which initially came with the sword. So I can't help you with that one! The Blue Peter website (!) has a recipe for bubble mix which uses less water, a ratio of 9:1 instead of 12:1.

Emma said...

The BP site also says that the more expensive the liquid the better, and green or yellow is best.