Saturday, December 09, 2006

Rwanda update

I have finally received some details about my adventure to Rwanda!

The main project for the team will be to create a community centre. Signpost international already own the building, Hope House, and this is also where the team will be based and where the office is. Our job will be to make the centre function for the community. We will be creating a community cafe with space for other micro enterprises - an internet cafe, a jam making business and a craft shop.

Another project is a water project providing a water tank to collect rain water so that the villagers won't have to walk several miles each day to collect water.

It transpires that I will be doing a fair amount of teaching in the local school as well. They intend on using the skills I have developed at St. Martin's! Curiously this is the part I am least sure about, though purely because I worry that I will not know whether the children are learning any English which will be of any use! I am going to have to read up on TEFL, learning a second language is far different from learning to read and write in a first language. I am sure that all that I learnt on placement in Germany from teaching English and observing English lessons will come in useful!

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