Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Righto, I have been tagged by Mike Peatman. It is a blogging kind of chain letter. As such I have to tell you all 5 facts about me that you don't already know and then pass it on to 5 more bloggers. I shall admit at this end, as I do with all chain letters, that I will not be passing on this tag to anyone else, though purely because the only blogs that I read have already been tagged by Mike. Alas.

So for 5 facts. Hmm, never easy but I shall have a go.

Oh dear, I'm struggling at the first hurdle, I have been thinking intensely for the last 5 minutes and still haven't come up with 1 fact about myself...

1) I have learnt many musical instruments to a basic level and still can play none of them very well at all! I began by learning the recorder at primary school but stopped because I was moved down to the less able group after failing to improve as fast as the rest! I have played the recorder, violin, clarinet, keyboard and guitar.

2) My violin was actually taken off me! I started to learn the violin in year 5 at primary school and didn't enjoy it much, my mum told me I couldn't give up until the end of year 6, but at the Easter my teacher took it off me. It was a school violin and I never practiced it (it's not easy to practice when your brother steals your bow on a regular basis!), my teacher saw no reason in me continuing to have lessons, I think I was holding the group back too!

3) I got 99% at my keyboard exam! The first instrument I actually stuck at was the keyboard when I was in 6th form (it's easier to practice an instrument when you can put headphones in - there is less family complaint) and took my Grade 1 Primary exam in the summer before going to University. I gave up the keyboard when I went to University. At University I took up the guitar but gave that up after I returned in 4th year and was so busy with essays I never got back to the teacher to start up lessons again.

4) An uninstrumental fact - I used to take sugar in my tea until I went to University. My flat mates would never remember when they made me a brew so I learnt to drink it without.

5) When I was at primary school I wanted to be a missionary to China after reading The Small Woman, a biography of Gladys Aylward. I also remember being surprised when I discovered that not all Christians wanted to be missionaries! How cute!

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