Friday, December 29, 2006

A silly thing to do

Somebody said something very silly this week. That silly thing was "A little bit of rain never did anyone any harm!", she may or may not have been suffering from spent-far-too-much-time-all-together-in-one-house syndrome.

As a result we got up early this morning (far too early when you were still reading at 2 in the morning) and drove up to the Lake District. Arriving at Grizedale forest, a water main had broken (you would have thought this would have been warning enough) and so we couldn't use the toilets, but, heck, it wasn't raining so we went for a walk. At the top of the crag (or thereabouts) it began to mizzle. And then it began to drizzle. And then it began to rain. 'Why stop at rain' thought the clouds, 'when we can get rid of all the water in the world all at once?' and so the heavens opened.

At the drizzle stage we stopped off for coffee and chocolate biscuits in the forest, but we couldn't stay there for ever or we would still be there now, with hypothermia to boot. So we found a quicker route and made our way back down to the visitor centre. Absolutely. Completely. Utterly. Drenched head, coat, very soggy trousers, into the socks and down into the boots.

What a tremendous success of a day! Can't say it made me terribly popular though...

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