Thursday, December 07, 2006

My last 4 love hearts

My sweet supply in my top draw has dwindled to the last 4 love hearts. This is very sad. When they have all gone (I shall try to eek them out for a day or two longer) I shall be sweetiless until Christmas. I don't buy my own sweets, I rely on presents to replenish my supply! The sweets I got as presents from my class in July lasted until October probably. These love hearts were in a goody bag I got at the youth conference at the beginning of September.

Oh no! Now I'm down to 3!

I think this post was going to include more than an audit of my sweet collection when I started but Jo distracted me on the phone and now I can't remember... heigh ho.


_joelfe said...

Maybe I should change what I've got you for Christmas...

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be good if Love Hearts contained Bible verses or Christian messages? - My Idea - Don't steal!!!

Emma said...

No Simon... just no.